NEWSReligious Authority

Grand Ayatollah Shirazi calls on young believers to seize opportunities to achieve success

The Supreme Religious Authority Grand Ayatollah, Sayyid Sadiq Hussaini Shirazi, has reaffirmed the necessity of supporting the youth, developing their skills, and providing opportunities for them to navigate life and carve out their path to success.

In an important address published on the official website of his office on Monday, His Eminence advised the youth not to miss the opportunities available at various levels. He said, “Today, the faithful youth must initiate development before it is too late,” explaining that “as life progresses, opportunities diminish, so they should be seized as recommended by the Holy Prophet and the Ahlulbayt, peace be upon them.”

He continued, “During this stage of life, a person has greater ability to concentrate, and more opportunities are open with fewer problems, unlike old age when responsibilities increase.”

His Eminence added, “I advise my sons and daughters to be patient and determined, to take initiative, and to use the opportunities available to achieve successes.”

He also urged them “to adhere to morals to reflect the bright and pure side of faith, to continue acquiring knowledge, and to adhere to the teachings of the Holy Prophet and his pure family, peace and blessings be upon them).”

His Eminence considered that “all sciences are important for the youth, but it is very essential to develop youthful talents in the fields of writing and oration, to spread the pure Muhammadan Islam and to introduce the principles and thoughts of the pure Imams, peace be upon them.”

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