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Islam World

Iraqi ambassador in Pakistan welcomes Neseem Karbala festival preparatory committee

The preparatory committee delegation of Neseem Karbala Fifth Festival visited the Iraqi embassy in Pakistan.



The preparatory committee delegation of Naseem Karbala Fifth Festival visited the Iraqi embassy in Pakistan.

During the visit, the delegation met and invited the Iraqi ambassador Dr. Ali Yaseen who welcomed the delegation, commended the activities of the festival, and expressed his willingness to cooperate and attend the festival determined to be held at al-Kewther University in Islamabad.

Moslim Abbas Segban – head of preparatory committee – said that Imam Hussein Shrine holds such festivals in Pakistan every year, and such festivals instill great impressions in Pakistani people.

The festival aims to spread and instill the culture of the Aululbait, peace be upon them, their knowledge, and their principles in people.


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