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Grand Ayatollah Shirazi expresses deep regret over lack of freedom in Islamic countries

The Supreme Religious Authority, Grand Ayatollah Sayyid Sadiq al-Husseini al-Shirazi, expressed his deep regret for the lack of freedom in Islamic countries governed by rulers and politicians who claim to belong to the authentic Islam.

In a statement published on his official website, Grand Ayatollah Shirazi said, “There is no freedom in today’s Islamic countries, not even to the extent found in Western countries.”

He continued, “What value do the West’s achievements hold if they are not measured against the freedom under the rule of Imam Ali, peace be upon him?,” pointing out that “during the time of Imam Ali, Muslims and non-Muslims enjoyed significant freedom, not in a marginal way.”

He added, “If there is any freedom in the world today, it is only due to the efforts of our Imam, the Commander of the Faithful, peace be upon him, who established the concept of true freedom and clarified it for all of humanity.”

His Eminence highlighed the fact that, “the lack of freedom in today’s Islamic countries is due to the failure to follow the noble divine approach outlined by the Holy Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him and his family, and Imam Ali during their great leadership, which resulted in depriving people of their legitimate rights and freedoms.”

Grand Ayatollah Shirazi previously emphasized that “the rulers in Arab and Islamic countries should follow the recommendations of the Holy Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him and his family, and his successor, the Commander of the Faithful, peace be upon him, and adopt the same policies they followed during their noble lives.”

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