
Freemuslim’s message on UN’s Intel Day of Innocent Children Victims of Aggression

The Freemuslim Association—an international anti-violence organization—released a message on the UN’s International Day of Innocent Children Victims of Aggression (marked on June 4), calling upon the International community to urgently intervene to stop the Israeli war on Gaza Strip, which has killed thousands of children and women.

In its message received by Shia Waves Agency, Freemuslim said: “The international community’s observance of the International Day of Innocent Children Victims of Aggression is a universal expression of condemnation and denunciation of any aggressive acts targeting this human segment, on all levels.”

The message highlighted the paradox as this year’s observance of the day coincides with the ongoing war Israel is waging on Gaza, with the Israeli government persisting in its aggression despite international appeals and calls to cease hostilities.

The organization criticized the continuation of this catastrophic war on innocent civilians, particularly children, pointing out that “thousands of innocent children in Gaza have been killed or injured due to the ongoing brutal Israeli bombing.”

It further noted that “thousands of children have also lost their parents, who were killed in the ongoing military operations, alongside other repercussions such as hunger, deprivation of medical treatment, and the cessation of educational institutions from resuming their duties.”

The Association emphasized that this situation necessitates and urgently calls for international intervention through all available means to compel the Israeli government to cease the war and allow the entry of medical and humanitarian aid into the Gaza Strip, demanding the formation of an international court “to prosecute those who deliberately targeted civilians and children, directly or indirectly”.

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